Woman - the most beautiful, gentle, and gorgeous part of the world!
We believe that every woman is created as a unique, gorgeous, and fragrant flower and she reaches her complete beauty by meeting her Creator, dedicating herself and her life to Him, unfolding, constantly growing up and finding herself in Him.
It is so special when women support each other and value their unity and friendship. When women come to a meeting, they worship God, they submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit and forget about daily routine, rush, and trivia. It is incredibly enjoyable. They are like a field of wavy, fragrant, never ending beauty and different flowers. Each of them is unique by color, shape and fragrance. Each of them has her own character, abilities, tasks, and call.
Because of the above mentioned for some time we have women’s ministry in our church “Prieka Vests”. It’s purpose is to help every beloved daughter of God to never feel alone in her problems and struggles, but to understand the complete will of God concerning her life, personality, uniqueness, and calling. By supporting and helping in hard times we are doing a lot of good works in the social life of our country.
We study and discuss God’s Word; we pray and seek His face and the presence of Holy Spirit.
Women’s ministry offers:
- Women’s meetings,
- Small groups,
- Camps and outings.